Monday, November 28, 2016

Rare Monday: Rare Jingle Bell Necklace!

A new rare has come Jamaa! The rare today is the rare jingle bell necklace!

I like this item. It looks pretty cool. You can get this item for 950 gems in the Jam Mart Clothing store. The best thing about this item is that it's for all jammers! Yay! Non members aren't left out! This item only comes in one color.

This item looks big and weird on arctic foxes but I think it will look better on other animals. I just think that neck items look weird on arctic foxes.
Anways, buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Sunday, November 27, 2016

My Dream Item

Like most Jammers, I also have a dream item. My dream item is a short purple spiked collar (Not the diamond ones). I just think it looks so cool. I would love to have one. I would be SO happy. I hope I get it one day!
Anyways, buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

I'm Wearing My Christmas Outfit Now!

Yay Christmas is coming! I am now dressing in my christmas outfit until December 30th 2016. I am now using my Christmas den until December 30th 2016 also! This is going to be awesome!
Anyways, I hope you're excited for Christmas to come! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Weird Experience In Animal Jam

A few days ago I had a pretty weird experience in Animal Jam. I was in my den with two of my buddies. My den was unlocked. And then suddenly a creepy looking lemur burst into my den and then started making angry faces at me and making the beat up emoji thing at me. It was a little scary.
One of my buddies began yelling "Lock your den!" and I quickly locked my den.
A little bit later I though that we were safe so I unlocked my den. Nope! The same person came back and I immediately locked my den again.
I don't understand why this person was so mad at me! I don't think I did anything to them. I guess I will never know.
Well, that was my story! I hope you enjoyed it! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Friday, November 25, 2016

Storage Ideas!

I have an idea for Animal Jam that might change somethings! So you can only have 300 clothing items and 500 den items. What if you run out of room? Most people make accounts to just store some things so they have some room on their main accounts. This idea might change this.
How about Animal Jam makes this chest where you can put things inside! There could be many colors to it also! There could be three sizes for it! The small chest could hold 50 items, the medium chest could hold 100 items, and the large chest could hold 200 items! I was thinking that the non members could get the small chest so they are not left out. The medium chest and the large chest could be for members only but the large chest is in the diamond shop. Maybe the small chest and the medium chest could be for 1000 gems in the epic wonders store. Maybe the large chest could be for 5 diamonds.
That is my idea! I hope you like it! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Animal Ideas!

I have some ideas for Animal Jam!
There are many animals to play as in Animal Jam but there are a few that I really want to be added into the game! I will name 3 animals.

1. Lioness
Since we have a lion why not make a lioness. I would be happy because I don't really like the lion that much and it's weird to see a lion with girly eyes, colors, and items.

2. Zebras
I think there should be some more hooved animals in Animal Jam. A zebra would be perfect! You wouldn't need to make a horse look like a zebra anymore! I just think it would look awesome too!

3. Donkey
A donkey in Animal Jam would be awesome! You could be able to make so many hilarious looks with this animal!

There are my animal ideas for Animal Jam! I hope you liked it! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye!<3 

Why I Started Playing Animal Jam Again

So I get really into Animal Jam for a few months and then I lose interest and leave. This happens sometimes. It mostly happens because when I lose my membership I also my interest in the game and leave. I usually get the cards from Game Stop so I only have three months of members. I usually get a card only two times a year. Those times are usually my birthday and Christmas. Both of them are a few months apart so I don't usually have membership in the spring or in summer. It kind of sucks.
I got back into Animal Jam because I got a membership card and I began watching a few Animal Jam youtubers. I beganwatching Julian2, Wisteriamoon, and Aparri on Youtube. Julian2 is my favorite. I am a bean! These guys got me into the game again. I just love them!
So if you see that i'm not on as much or i'm a non member without my arctic fox, you know why.
Anyways, buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving! I hope you eat a lot of turkey and pie! I will eat a lot of turkey and mashed potatoes! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3 :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Story Time: When My Spiked Collar Got Scammed

I have had a few spikes over the years and I don't remember what happened to some of them but I do remember what happened to one of my spiked collar. This happened a year or two ago btw.
I had a diamond silver long collar. I really liked it. I was really bored and I saw that someone was doing a headdress giveaway at their den and I got very excited. They were wearing the headdress and it looked awesome! I don't remember what color is was though.
I went into their den and waited for the person to come. They came and they told me to trade for this map and I think they said that they would give the item back.
I traded my spiked collar for the map and they accepted my trade. 
The worst thing ever happened next! They unbuddied me and locked me out of their den.
I still have the map. The map just reminds me of my stupidity and this whole story.
Don't ever do anything like I did. That is the lesson. Also just don't go to any giveaways! They might want to scam you!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye and be careful! <3

My First Rare Spiked Collar!

I am so happy right now! I got my first rare spiked collar. I do have two diamond spiked collars and two custom spiked collars but those you could buy in the diamond shop!


I got the rare spiked collar as a prize from the Forgotten Desert adventure! The spike is yellow!

All of the spikes that I have owned in the past have been from the diamond shop so I guess that is why i'm so happy. Sorry but I won't trade it. It is special to me.
Okay i'm gonna go now! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

New Clothing Item: Maple Leaf Skirt!

A new clothing item has come to Jamaa! The Maple Leaf Skirt is here!

This item is okay. It looks a little weird but I think you can you some outfits with this clothing item. It looks strange on my arctic fox. I am not going to buy it.
You can get this item at the Jam Mart Clothing store 550 gems. Sorry non members but this item is for members only! This clothing item comes in lots of colors!

Now, got buy a Maple Leaf Skirt and have some fun! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Monday, November 21, 2016

Rare Monday: Rare Turquoise Bracelet!

A new rare has come to Jamaa! Yay!
The rare today is the rare turquoise bracelet!

I really like this item. I already like the normal turquoise bracelets so I am okay with this rare!
You can get this rare for 2,500 gems at the Epic Wonders store. Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This item comes in only one color.

This item looks pretty good on my arctic fox and I bet it will look good on other animals too!
Now, go buy a rare turquoise bracelet before it's gone! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Clothing Item: Turkey Tail Feathers!

A new clothing item has come to Jamaa for Thanksgiving! The Turkey Tail Feathers are here!

I think I really don't like this clothing item that much. It does look very good on my arctic fox. I think it will look better on a flying animals.
You can get this item from the Jam Mart Clothing store. You can get this item for 600 gems. Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors!

Now, go buy some Turkey Tail Feathers and pretend to be a turkey! Buddy me! I'm am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Thursday, November 17, 2016

AJ Update 11/17/16

A new update is here and it is awesome!

I think the most important thing that is in this update is the new animal! The toucan! You can get this new flying animal at the diamond shop for 10 diamonds. Sorry non members but this animal is for members only. I was hoping for this animal for to be for both non member and member. Hopefully non members get a flying animal soon.
I LOVE this new animal! It is so cute! I have already bought one named Legit Jazzytoucan and she is awesome!

The next thing in this update is a new adventure!

This adventure sounds awesome! Do you actually go to where the phantom's live?! I can't wait to play this adventure soon! I hope one of my animals is a high enough level for this adventure!
This next thing in this update is a new pet and a new den!

I am so happy that the art gallery is now a den! You can buy this new den at the diamond shop for 7 diamonds! Sorry non members but this den is for members only. I will definitely try my best to save up my diamonds for this den but that will be hard because of the adorable new pet llamas! I want one so bad! You can get one at the diamond shop for 3 diamonds! Sorry non members but this pet is for members only.

Ugh when will AJHQ make some awesome for the non members?! I really want the non members to get some new awesome items, animals, and pets!
Sorry about that rant! I just had to get that off of my chest.  
The next thing on the update is the new spiked collars and spiked wristbands!

These things look awesome! I love the colors and the look of them! 

I bought a red spiked color! The spikes are pink with white tips! I love it!

I wasn't able to buy a wristband though, sadly. They look cool too but you can barely see them on the toucans so hopefully they look better on other animals. The wristbands also come in lots of colors.

You can buy these awesome items at the diamond shop for 3 diamonds. Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This item is only available on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so get them before they are gone!
The next thing on this update is new armor and a new sketch jam!

This armor looks pretty cool. I don't think I wanna buy it though. You get the armor at the diamond shop!
I think the new sketch jam shows you how to draw a toucan. That's of cool.
The last thing on this update is advertisement!

This advertisement is pretty cool actually! It's basically a box with a lot of awesome AJ things in it! I want it! I love to get the Animal Jam Box!

Wow that was a lot! This update was awesome! I wonder what the next update is gonna be about?! I can't wait to find out!
Go have up exploring the new update! Buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Monday, November 14, 2016

Rare Monday: Rare Chef's Hat!

It's Monday so there is a new rare somewhere in Jamaa! Yay!
The rare today is the rare chef's hat!

I'm not a big fan of this item. The chef's hat looks weird. I wouldn't wear it. I don't think i'm gonna get this rare.
You can get this item for 975 gems at the Jam Mart Clothing store. Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This item only comes in one color.

I don't think this item looks very good on my arctic fox but it might on some other animals!
Now, go buy a rare chef's hat for it's gone! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Christmas Outfit Contest Choice! one voted. I guess i'll have to choose myself. I choose.... outfit one! I will begin wearing in on November 27th 2016!

Okay so buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

New Clothing Item: Futuristic Headphones!

A new clothing item is here! The futuristic headphones have come to Jamaa!

I really like this clothing item! I really like the DJ Headset so I really like this item! It looks really cool.
You can get this item from the Epic Wonders store in Coral Canyons (under the waterfall. The clothing orb in the store is at the top of the stairs in the back of the store). You can get this item for 1,200 gems! Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors!

This item looks kind of weird on the arctic fox but I have it on my owl and the item looks really cool so this item will look better on other animals.
Now, go get a pair of futuristic headphones and have fun! Remember to comment which Christmas outfit I should use! The contest ends today at 4 pm pacific time! Hurry! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Saturday, November 12, 2016

New Clothing Item: Leaf Pattern Skirt!

A new item has come to Jamaa! The leaf pattern skirt is here!

I like this clothing item! It reminds me of the designer skirt. 
You can get this item in the Jam Mart Clothing store for 450 gems. Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors!

The skirt doesn't really suit my arctic fox because of her outfit and colors, but this clothing item might look better on other arctic foxes or other animals.
Now, go get a leaf pattern skirt and look awesome! Buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Remember to do the Christmas Outfit Contest! Bye! <3

Friday, November 11, 2016

How To Make My Character In Animal Jam!

This is for everyone who wants to look like my main character, Queen Shycloud the Arctic Fox!

Step 1: Get an arctic fox!
You can get an arctic fox for 10 diamonds at the Diamond Shop. If you already own an arctic fox then you only need to pay 1000 gems.
You can either name your arctic fox Queen Shycloud or anything you want.

Step 2: Colors, Eyes, and Patterns!
First, the first color needs to be light grey.

Next, the second color needs to be black.

Next is the eyes! You need to choose the girly eyes and then choose the sapphire blue color.

She doesn't have any patterns so this step is done!

Step 3: Items!
First, You will have to get black gazelle horns. You can get this clothing item at the Jam Mart Clothing store for 250 gems!

Next, you will need to get rare scary bat wings. Those are the wings I use with this character but you can just use black wings from the Jam Mart Clothing store for 250 gems if you don't have the rare scary bat wings.

Finally, you need a red legendary glove. You can get this item at the Diamond Shop for 3 diamonds.

Step 4: Pet!
You will need to get a snake pet. You can find these pets at the Claws N Paws store in Appondale.
Next, choose the light purple color and the light blue color.

Next, you need to choose the girly eyes.

Next, you need to choose the squarish head, no rattle, and stripes pattern.

Next, you can either name your snake Purplegirl or anything else. Then buy the snake. This will cost 400 gems.

Lastly, take your new pet snake to the Pet Stop and give her a pink bow and a ice cream cone. This will cost 200 gems.

You're done! Now you know how to make my main character and her pet! Buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Remember to do the Christmas Outfit Contest! Bye!