Friday, November 25, 2016

Animal Ideas!

I have some ideas for Animal Jam!
There are many animals to play as in Animal Jam but there are a few that I really want to be added into the game! I will name 3 animals.

1. Lioness
Since we have a lion why not make a lioness. I would be happy because I don't really like the lion that much and it's weird to see a lion with girly eyes, colors, and items.

2. Zebras
I think there should be some more hooved animals in Animal Jam. A zebra would be perfect! You wouldn't need to make a horse look like a zebra anymore! I just think it would look awesome too!

3. Donkey
A donkey in Animal Jam would be awesome! You could be able to make so many hilarious looks with this animal!

There are my animal ideas for Animal Jam! I hope you liked it! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye!<3 

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