Friday, November 25, 2016

Why I Started Playing Animal Jam Again

So I get really into Animal Jam for a few months and then I lose interest and leave. This happens sometimes. It mostly happens because when I lose my membership I also my interest in the game and leave. I usually get the cards from Game Stop so I only have three months of members. I usually get a card only two times a year. Those times are usually my birthday and Christmas. Both of them are a few months apart so I don't usually have membership in the spring or in summer. It kind of sucks.
I got back into Animal Jam because I got a membership card and I began watching a few Animal Jam youtubers. I beganwatching Julian2, Wisteriamoon, and Aparri on Youtube. Julian2 is my favorite. I am a bean! These guys got me into the game again. I just love them!
So if you see that i'm not on as much or i'm a non member without my arctic fox, you know why.
Anyways, buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

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