Sunday, November 13, 2016

New Clothing Item: Futuristic Headphones!

A new clothing item is here! The futuristic headphones have come to Jamaa!

I really like this clothing item! I really like the DJ Headset so I really like this item! It looks really cool.
You can get this item from the Epic Wonders store in Coral Canyons (under the waterfall. The clothing orb in the store is at the top of the stairs in the back of the store). You can get this item for 1,200 gems! Sorry non members but this item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors!

This item looks kind of weird on the arctic fox but I have it on my owl and the item looks really cool so this item will look better on other animals.
Now, go get a pair of futuristic headphones and have fun! Remember to comment which Christmas outfit I should use! The contest ends today at 4 pm pacific time! Hurry! Buddy me! I'm Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

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