Sunday, December 18, 2016

New Clothing Item: Candy Cane Longbow!

A new clothing item has come to Jamaa for the Jamaalidays! The Candy Cane Longbow is here!

I love this clothing item. It is very cool and kind of cute. I really like the design of this item. This clothing item looks great on my fox and I think it will also look great on other animals too! I will definitely buy this clothing item when I have enough diamonds for it!
You can buy this clothing item at the Diamond Shop for 2 diamonds. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors!

 I hope you buy a Candy Cane Longbow and I hope you really like it and wear it!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

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