Friday, December 23, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 23

Hi! Today is the 23rd day of the daily Jamaaliday gifts!

Today I got... a diamond and Jamaaliday Leg Armor!

I'm pretty sure that the Jamaaliday Leg Armor is new so that's pretty cool. I like them. I got the one with blueish-purple berries and green leaves. I like the colors but I don't think this item will go with any of my outfits. I will keep it though.
I hope you enjoy the diamond and the Jamaaliday Leg Armor!
I changed my main character again. My main character is still a fox but she is now pink and white with blue girly eyes and black fox marking. That was her look before I changed it to my previous fox look. I just regretted changing it so I changed her look to this look now.
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

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