Saturday, December 31, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 31!

Hi! Today is the 31st day of the daily jamaaliday gifts! Today is the last Daily Jamaaliday Gifts and it is also New Years Eve!

Today I got.... a diamond and a Snowflake Balloon!

I like this a lot! I think it is very cute. I got the blue one! I will definitely keep this item and I might even wear every now and then!
I hope you enjoy your diamond and your Snowflake Balloon!
I hope you had a great 2016 and that 2017 is even better!
I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Friday, December 30, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 30

Hi! Today is the 30th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts!

Today I got... a Snowman Fridge!

I like this item. I think it is pretty cute. I will keep it but I already have a Snowman Fridge from a previous Jamaalidays. I will not put this item in my den because it is already pretty full with items at the moment.
I hope you enjoy your Snowman Fridge!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 29

Hi! Today is the 29th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts!

Today I got.... a diamond and Snowflake Stepping Stones!

I like this item. It looks cute! I like the snowflake design on it. I will keep it but I don't think I will put it in my den because my den is pretty crowded with den items at the moment.
I hope you enjoy your diamond and your Snowflake Stepping Stones!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 28

Hi! Today is the 28th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts!

Today I got.... a Poofy Rug!
(I'm sorry about the picture. The Poofy Rug wouldn't show up for some reason!)
I like this item a lot! It looks really fluffy! I got the one without the face. I will keep this item!
I hope you enjoy your Poofy Rug!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 27

Hi! Today is the 27th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts!

Today I got... a diamond and an Ice Fence!

I like the Ice Fence. I think it looks pretty nice. I wish I had more of them though. I will keep this item!
I hope you enjoy your diamond and your Ice Fence!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye!<3

Monday, December 26, 2016

Rare Monday: Rare Charm Bracelet!

A new rare has come Jamaa! The rare today's rare is the Rare Charm Bracelet!

I like this item I guess. I really like the gold color. It looks okay on the fox but it is kind of hard to see so I think it would look better on some other animals. I will buy this clothing item.
You can buy this clothing item from Shiveer Shoppe in the Hot Cocoa Hut in Mt.Shiveer 1,200 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in only one color.

Buy this Rare Charm Bracelet before it is gone!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 26

Hi! Today is the 26th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts! 

Today I got.... Icicle Lights

I like this item. I think it looks pretty. I think I got thing item from a previous Jamaaliday so I don't know if I will put it in my den.
I hope you enjoy your Icicle Lights!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Sunday, December 25, 2016

New Clothing Item: Jamaaliday Tree Hat!

A clothing item has come back to Jamaa for the Jamaalidays! The Jamaaliday Tree Hat is here!

I like this clothing item but I think that it is a little weird though. I don't think it looks quite right on my fox for some reason so I think this clothing item might look better on some other animals. I will not buy this clothing item.
You can buy this clothing item from the Jam Mart Clothing store for 750 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors.

I hope that you buy the Jamaaliday Tree Hat and I hope that you like it better than I do.
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 25!

Hi! Today is the 25th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts! Merry Christmas!

Today I got.... a diamond and a Hat And Beard!

I like this item. It is silly and cute. I like the beard! I got the green one! I will definitely keep these item!
I hope you enjoy your diamond and your Hat And Beard and I hope you have an amazing Christmas!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 24!

Hi! Today is the 24th day of the daily jamaaliday gifts! It's Christmas Eve! Yay!

Today I got... a Holiday Sweater!
(Sorry about the picture. It wouldn't load for some reason )
I like this item. It's cute. It reminds of me of an ugly Christmas sweater. I got the blue one! I will definitely keep this item and I might even wear it!
I hope you enjoy your Holiday Sweater!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Friday, December 23, 2016

New Clothing Item: Jamaaliday Kite!

A clothing item has come to Jamaa for the Jamaalidays! The Jamaaliday Kite is here!

I kind of like this item. I like the bow on it. That's really the only thing I like about this item. This clothing item looks okay on my fox but I think it will look better on other animals. I will not buy this clothing item.
You can buy with clothing item at the Jam Mart Clothing store for 400 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors.

I hope you will buy the Jamaaliday Kite and I hope you will like it more than I do.
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day 23

Hi! Today is the 23rd day of the daily Jamaaliday gifts!

Today I got... a diamond and Jamaaliday Leg Armor!

I'm pretty sure that the Jamaaliday Leg Armor is new so that's pretty cool. I like them. I got the one with blueish-purple berries and green leaves. I like the colors but I don't think this item will go with any of my outfits. I will keep it though.
I hope you enjoy the diamond and the Jamaaliday Leg Armor!
I changed my main character again. My main character is still a fox but she is now pink and white with blue girly eyes and black fox marking. That was her look before I changed it to my previous fox look. I just regretted changing it so I changed her look to this look now.
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Thursday, December 22, 2016

New Clothing Item: Jamaaliday Tail Ribbons!

A clothing item has come to Jamaa for the Jamaalidays! The Jamaaliday Tail Ribbons are here!

I love this clothing item! It's so cute and I just love it's design! This clothing item looks great on my fox and I bet it will look great on other animals too! I will buy all of the colors!
You can get this clothing item from the Epic Wonders store for 1,250 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing comes in lots of colors.

I hope you like the Jamaaliday Tail Ribbons and I hope you buy them!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Daily Jamaaliday Gifts: Day Twenty Two

Hi! Today is the 22nd day of the daily Jamaaliday gifts!

I got... a bow and arrows!

I love this item! I got the green one! I am so happy! The bow and arrows are one of my favorite items in Animal Jam. I will definitely keep this item.
I hope you like your new Bow and Arrows!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Clothing Item: Jamaaliday Cape!

A clothing item has come back to Jamaa for the Jamaalidays! The Jamaaliday Cape is here!

I really like this item! It's cute! This clothing item looks really good on my fox and I know that it looks great on other animals too! I will not buy this clothing item because I already have a Jamaaliday Cape from a previous Jamaaliday.
You can buy this clothing item from the Jam Mart Clothing store for 800 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors.

I hope you like the Jamaaliday Cape and I hope you go buy it!
Anyways, buddy me! I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam! Bye! <3