Friday, February 10, 2017

New Clothing Item: Friendship Antlers!

A new clothing item has come to Jamaa for Valentines Day! The Friendship Antlers are here!

This clothing item is okay. I like the stripes and the hearts on them. They looks big and weird on my fox. I think this clothing item would look better on other animals, especially the deer. I don't think I will be buying this clothing item.
You can buy this clothing item at the Diamond Shop for 3.00 diamonds. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors.

I hope you buy the Friendship Antlers and I hope that you will like them better then I do. 
 I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

My Top Ten AJ Animals!

This has taken a long time to think about and it was pretty hard to decide but I think I got it! This is my top ten favorite AJ animals!

10. Panda!
I love how cute it is. I like how it looks so lazy. It is always sitting around. It has a good design and I like all of it's actions and a lot of things look good on it. I actually used to not like it but I got one very recently and I just warmed up to it as I played it a lot! This is why the panda is #10 on my list!

9. Cheetah!
The cheetah has a special place in my heart. It was one of my first ever member animals. It was my first ever diamond animal. I love its design and it's actions and so many things looks very good on it. Its dance is funny looking and I like it a lot. It is just a well made animal. This is why the cheetah is #9 on my list!

8. Lemur!
The lemur is a great animal. It looks so good in some popular clothing items like the spike, worn, and the headdress. I love all of the actions. The dance and the play are very funny and the sleep is very cute. I love the design of it! It is very well made. This is why the lemur is #8 on my list.

7. Otter!
I love the otter. It looks so good in a lot of clothing items. It can go on land and underwater so that's pretty cool! The dance and the sleep animation is cute and the play animation is very silly. I love how small it is. It is a very good animal. This is why the otter is #7 on my list.

6. Seal!
I love the seal. It is my main sea animal! It looks pretty good in a lot of clothing items. It can go on land and underwater! The dance is pretty cool, the sleep is cute, and the play is silly. I love have cute and simple the design is. The seal is a pretty good animal! This is why the seal is #6 on my list.

5. Toucan!
The toucan is amazing. It's a pretty new animal and it is already one of my favorites. It's flying in place animation is so lively. That head movement is small but it adds some life to the animal. I wish they would do that to other animals. It looks great in so many clothes. I love how it looks in top hats and spikes. Its dance is cute and silly, it's sleep is adorable, and its play is just silly. Is it throwing an apple or a lime? I don't know but I love it. It's an amazing animal and AJ did a great job with designing it. This is why the toucan is #5 on my list!

4. Falcon!
I love the falcon a lot! It's my main flying animal! I use it all of the time! I love how it flaps and then starts gliding as it's flying in place. It looks pretty good in a lot of clothing items. I love its dance, it's sleep is pretty cute, and the play is really cool and it kind of messes with my eyes actually. I am surprised that not many people play it as often that I hoped. It's a very good animal and I love it very much. That is why the falcon is #4 on my list!

3. Wolf!
I love the wolf a lot! The wolf has a special place in my heart. It was my first ever animal on animal jam. The wolf that I have no is a remake of the original wolf that I had. She has looked the same for more than 3 years. I changed her look for a day and I immediately regretted it so I changed it back to normal. The wolf looks great in a lot of clothing items. Its dance is cool, it's sleep is kind of cute, and its play is pretty cool. It has a cool and unique design and I love it a lot. This is why the wolf is #3 on my list!

2. Goat!
I adore the goat! It just melted my heart when I first saw it. It is SO cute! It looks so good in several clothing items. The dance is very cute, the sleep is adorable, and the play is cute and very silly. I will never stop loving this animal. This is why the goat is #2 on my list!

1. Fox!
I love the fox! It's my main land animal! It looks amazing in so many clothing items! The dance is great, the sleep is cute, and the play is silly. It is one of my first member animals! This is animal is amazing and I will never stop loving it! This is why the fox is #1 on my list!

I hope you enjoyed this list! I might make another top ten some other time!
 I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Monday, February 6, 2017

Rare Monday: Rare Heart Earmuffs!

A new rare has come Jamaa! This Monday's rare is the Rare Heart Earmuffs!

This rare item is very cute! I love the colors! I think the light yellow and the light pink go together very well! The colors remind me of Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friend is Magic (I watch the show. Don't judge me.) This clothing item doesn't look very good on my fox. It looked just it would be uncomfortable to wear like that on your ears. I think this clothing item will look better on other animals. I will buy this clothing item!
You can buy this clothing item at the Jam Mart Clothing store for 900.00 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in only one color.

Buy this Rare Heart Earmuffs before they are gone! I hope that you buy the Rare Heart Earmuffs and I hope you will like them a lot!
 I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

AJ Update: 2/1/17

A new update is here! I think this update is a pretty good one! The update came out on a Wednesday which is strange because AJ updates normally come out on Thursdays.

The Friendship Festival is here! Go to the Friendship Party and get the cool furniture there and get the awesome friendship clothing at the Jam Mart Clothing store!

Members can now have 1000 den items! This is awesome! I was just about to run out of den inventory space anyways! Now they just need to add more clothing inventory space! I can't wait to find out what else members will get this year!

The Friendship Cottage is back! You can get it at the Diamond Shop for 7 diamonds! Go buy it!
The Valentines Day seasonal adventure is here, Special Delivery! Go give out all of the valentines so get awesome prizes! Go play it! It's fun!
Did you hear the great news? AJHQ has made it easier to click on players! You can click on all of the names of the jammers who are chatting in the chat log! Move your cursor over the names and they will light up! How cool is that?!
Safer Internet Day is coming on February 7th! Go click on the banners all over Jamaa to learn how to make the internet a better and safer place!
Do you love taking pictures? Do you want jammers to see them! Well, here's your chance with the Internation Photography Contest! Go check out the new bulletin board in Kimbara Outback and see the amazing photos!
Pandas are going on their travels on February 16th! Buy one of these cool animals for 1000 gems before they are gone! Also llamas are back! Go buy one at the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds! To be honest I didn't even know that they were gone because I already have one.
This is your last change to get the amazing winter Animal Jam Box! They are filled with some amazing stuff! Go to to purchase one of these amazing boxes today!
I hope you enjoyed this update!
I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Monday, January 30, 2017

Rare Monday: Rare Arm Cuffs!

A new rare has come Jamaa! This Monday's rare is the Rare Arm Cuffs!

I like this item a lot! I didn't even know that the Arm Cuffs existed until now! I like the colors a lot. I think the navy blue and the brown look very nice together. This clothing item looks great on my fox and I think it will also look great on other animals too! I will definitely buy this clothing item!
You can buy this clothing item at the Jam Mart Clothing store for 900 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in only one color.

Buy the Rare Arm Cuffs before they are gone!
 I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Saturday, January 28, 2017

New Clothing Item: Heart Boots!

A new clothing item has come to Jamaa for Valentines Day! The Heart Boots are here!

I don't really like this clothing item. They actually remind me of the Cozy Shoes. They look too big on my fox's paws. I think this clothing will look better on other animals. I will not buy this clothing item.
You can buy this clothing item at the Jam Mart Clothing store for 450 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors.

I hope you buy the Heart Boots and I hope that you will like them better then I do.
 I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3

Friday, January 27, 2017

New Clothing Item: Heart Scarf!

A new clothing item has come to Jamaa for Valentines Day! The Heart Scarf is here!

I like this item a lot! It looks really good on my fox so I think this clothing item will look really good on other animals! I will buy this clothing item!
You can buy this clothing item at the Shiver Shoppe in Mt. Shiveer for 350 gems. Sorry non members but this clothing item is for members only. This clothing item comes in lots of colors.

I hope you buy the Heart Scarf and I hope that you will like it a lot!
 I am Mineral21 on Animal Jam and I hope you have a lovely day! Bye! <3